Focus on Sound Pro includes a multimedia encyclopedia of instruments, terminology, composers and theory – with hundreds of listening tests and a broad range of structured lessons aimed at Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level covering the majority of the UK exam boards.
The Pro edition software gives teachers the ability to create new resources using a slick interface and powerful content creation tools. It also integrates with Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams, a huge benefit to schools using either of these systems
Teaching solutions
Focus on Sound Pro can be used for many different types of learning, from "chalk and talk" to autonomous home learning on any device, at any time, anywhere.
- Key stage three lessons can benefit from having sound and text or multimedia explanations of technical terms, examples of instruments and styles from around the World, music theory, and history. There are composition schemes of work too!
- Key stage four resources include set works and areas of study to cover all England, Wales and Scotland GCSE/National exams. Vocational students can explore relevant styles, terms, instruments and music technology. Test types include self-marking listening formats, markable extended text responses, and timed listening questions to help practice exam-style listening. Along with a GCSE composing case study, there are composition resources that suit any exam course using any software. So no matter what course(s) you run, Focus on Sound gives you teaching, revision and testing resources.
- Key stage five materials include advanced composition starters as well as a number of analysis pieces to explore. It's also useful to revise technical terms and exam listening skills.


- Hundreds of lessons and self-marking tests ideal for musical homework tasks
- From a special whole-class display mode to instant formatting for handheld devices
- Support your teaching with a multimedia encyclopedia of instruments and terminology – developed by teachers for teachers
- Accessible at home, at school and on the go
- Guided self-study – listening, theory, composing and more
- Learning and revision for GCSE and A-Level exams as well as KS3
- Practice the listening skills and techniques needed for exam success


- Limitless auto-marked listening tests, as well as extended written work for teacher assessment
- Results are available instantly online to the teacher – exportable to spreadsheets and learning management systems like Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams or the MusicFirst Classroom