Lancashire Music Service

An Innovative Initiative to Support Schools Across Lancashire

Lancashire Music Education Hub (LMEH) brings together a diverse range of organisations to develop musical opportunities for young people. For many young people these experiences will be a vital and enriching part of their lives, helping them to progress their talents, enhance learning whilst supporting their health and wellbeing.
LMEH supports the National Plan for Music Education whilst striving to make it easy for, young people, teachers, musicians, schools, and the wider community to collaborate and find great ways to make music. Music has the power to inspire and change lives and LMEH will seek to make musical learning available to all children
and young people across the county.

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Lancashire, UK


"The feedback from schools using any of the MusicFirst packages has been wholly positive. The support and
communications from Richard and Matt have been second to none and schools have really benefitted from our partnership working. This was even more of benefit during the pandemic when pupils could access high quality resources from home, with teachers able to set work for pupils to access on the cloud easily, via Focus on Sound Pro. I thoroughly recommend MusicFirst to all Music Education Hubs around the country.”
Ben Rapp
Ben Rapp, Regional Manager
Lancashire Music Service
Lancashire, UK